Friday, April 1, 2011

Digital Painting

When I'm not laboriously hunched over my PC designing for the Conestoga Graphic Design program, I enjoy playing the odd video game. As you might guess, video games take extensive work and involve many people of different professions. Programmers are needed to code the game, there are writer's, digital animators, concept artists and even graphic designers for the packaging, logos and website design.

In the free, online game, League of Legends, the company offers "art spotlights" on youtube, to view the work that goes behind digitally painting the characters. In this particular video, it took the artist just under 4 hours to paint and draw the character. A goal of mine over the summer is to become much more proficient in digital painting and I find the art style and use of colour in these spotlights to be pretty inspiring.

One of my digital painting efforts.

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